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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

how do we actually differentiate between regular and super Hotwheels T-hunt

last night someone name TSUKI asking me how to differentiate between HOTWHEELS Thunt & HOTWHEELS SUPER T-Hunts, here her/his question..
: Another thing, how do we actually differentiate between regular and super HW TH? Sorry. I'm kinda new to this TH thing"
ok let me help u to identify the different between Regular And Super HW TH

Super T-Hunts painted with metallic Paint, while regular T-Hunt painted with solid color paint
see picture below

for the packaging ...

ok for the packaging, u can identify by looking at the green bar, which for Super T-HUNT, the wording of T-Hunt will be add with money sign $. T-HUNT$

and the last one.. the main parts which made the super T-hunt are more valuable from the regular t hunt.. the Rims & Tyre

for the regular T-hunt the Tyre & rims are made in 1 piece plastic while fro the super T-hunt the rims are made with more detail and given with rubber tyre.

Ok TSUKI, I hope this post will answer ur question and will give u more understanding of the valuable of these HOTWHEELS SUPER T-HUNT$.

1 comment:

Tsuki Anonymouse said...

Nice. Thanks for taking your time making this entry. Appreciated it. Especially with the pictures. You definitely answer my questions :)

Anyway, do you perhaps sell any of your extra HW Super TH$? Hehe~ I actually found couple of TH... But sadly just a Regular one not the Super.

^ You know what, I accidentally comment at the wrong post entry... Heh~
