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Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is another collection from The BBI, bought it 2 days ago. Accidentally founded while i was at the Tutong Town..

The Packaging

Just like the SWAT OPERATOR figurine, this set also provide alot of accessories which made with perfect finishing.

This space suit is the main reason why i bought him.. It made from high quality material.. and it really look real..

let see the helmet.. Perfect bro!

Ok, let me introduce him to all of you, he,s Captain Bob Chapman..sorry, I have no idea who he is..

I bet they should had spend alot of time to produce every single parts and details. If u see it, even on very tiny thing they made with very detailing and look really realistic.

i don't have time to read this crap...

ok, lets put on the helmet..

the yellow glove.. ok are u ready?....

nah salam bro.. just landed from Tutong ni.. lol

can u see my hand in both of this picture.. Rugged kan...

Cost Price: B$159.00
Where To Buy: Some where in Tutong Town


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