The Simpson Box Set last part..


Side View

some closer angle of both characters.
Cost Price: B$49.90 Where To Buy: Chong Hock

hi everyone, sorry for the late update.. im quite BZ with my office work in this week at the same due to my health masa ani sakit damam saja, i have to leave my blog unupdated for few days.. ok today got free time tapi masih "beingus" hehe, i give u my review for my first figma collection.. here we go..

i sure many of you know her.. ya that right Haruhi Suzumiya

back packaging..same as revoltecth..

with extra faces and accessories given..
Cost Price: B$52.90Where To Buy: Chong Hock

Just receive the package yesterday morning.. I have been waiting this packagefor more then 3 weeks, n SHE finally arrive.. Force sorry not ur Nendoroid

My Asahina Mikuru's mousepad

i can guaranty you.. it feel 90% as real.. do u get my point...

see... she like it...eika... eika...moshi....
Cost Price: B$24.00 + shipment Where To Buy: Online Order

This is my latest T-hunt collection 2009 model, Just bought it last Monday, Di Atirah

The Regular T-Hunt

Super T-Hunts
Cost Price: B$4.90 each Where To Buy: Atirah

These My 2008 VIPER Thunt Collection

As u can see at the Left side, that is the SHORT CARD Hotwheels..u only can get it from the US Market.. meaning they are only selling di negara barat..

the back packaging


Before I found one shop selling this kind of Hotwheels At the mall Gadong.. they selling for 12.90
tapi by now sudah abis..

last night someone name TSUKI asking me how to differentiate between HOTWHEELS Thunt & HOTWHEELS SUPER T-Hunts, here her/his question..
Another thing, how do we actually differentiate between regular and super HW TH? Sorry. I'm kinda new to this TH thing"
ok let me help u to identify the different between Regular And Super HW TH

Super T-Hunts painted with metallic Paint, while regular T-Hunt painted with solid color paint
see picture below

for the packaging ...

ok for the packaging, u can identify by looking at the green bar, which for Super T-HUNT, the wording of T-Hunt will be add with money sign
$. T-HUNT$

and the last one.. the main parts which made the super T-hunt are more valuable from the regular t hunt.. the Rims & Tyre

for the regular T-hunt the Tyre & rims are made in 1 piece plastic while fro the super T-hunt the rims are made with more detail and given with rubber tyre.

Ok TSUKI, I hope this post will answer ur question and will give u more understanding of the valuable of these HOTWHEELS SUPER T-HUNT$.

the Packaging

Some labeling in japanese.. can anyone help me to translate..

the back packaging

Fate Stay Night Siber

Saber Alert

lets take her out..trying with the articulation

ok as usual she need to go back to her box.. that the rules... karang berhabuk tia..
Cost Price: B$35.00 Without Shipping Where To Buy: Online Order