I managed to finish the model in 2 hours time complete with the lining details. Hehe.. i used sharp pencil to do the lining especially on the tiny and complicated areas. Thanks to Cik Vicky for sharing her ideas on how to do the detailing.

OMG! See, i almost forgot to do the lining detail at the back of his head... will do it later..ngalih ku sudah ni...

I'm sure u guys who love and appreciate Gundam anime are familiar with this photo. It is 1:1 scale Gundam model project in Tokyo, Japan. I was inspired by this for the first time i seen this picture in which I'm imagine building the miniature of this model by my own one day when the time has come.

I know I can do it!! *bangga* =P Today, the imagination has come true. I made the 1/144 scale gundam model by myself without any help. But it's not exactly the same as on the image. I did some changes and modification on it.. Have a deep and closer look.

The base originally should be blue but I changed with black in which it look more better and the reason is also it's one of my favourite colour.

Tomorrow, I'm probably gonna make glass case to cover and protect the figure in order to prevent the dust. And for sure, printing the background and paste on the back face of the case. Maybe I gonna have a try on selling this gundam on eBay. haha.. Maybe I should try it~
Moving to the next step..

sorry for being quiet for a while.. im quite bz at this moment.. bz with my gundam project.. here i just wanna show u my new update for the GTR project..

today i manage to spend few hours on the body paint.. applyin 4 layer of clear coating

and 2 layer of white coating.. will go to stage 3 with finishing color paint..

personally i love white colour.. i might change my plan on it.. hehe

i have won this two item by bidding from the E-bay.. have a look...
again it's Hot Toys product, Bid Price: USD12.50 - B$20.00 plus shipping

The second one.. Medicom Mask Rider FBI, Bid Price USD17.38 - B$28.00 plus shipping
1 have 1 more item waiting to be won.. hint Hot Toys lagi.. one of my wish list.. Bidding price USD85.00.. will update again kalau manang ah.. hehe

ok since tonight i'm feeling so active.. im going to post one more of my recent Gundam that still in progress.. i have already have planning to made for him background and stage for displaying.

project location: main headquarters hehe my room lah..

25 Percent finish.. head and body a perfectly done.. i will continue to finish him slowly ah..

some photo with paint detailing

i guess i need to clear abit some part of the lining

do any one of u can give me idea how to remove this plastic mark...

ok the third one is one of my fav STRIKE GUNDAM

yep.. another project that i finish inside my wife's room..

the finish product.. complete with lining detail and painted parts..

i was planning to get this guy with 1/60 scale soon.. oledi talk with eric.. manager of CH about this..i hope he will get one or me..

Ok here my second BB gundam for tonight..

as usual checking up all the parts.. just to make sure everything complete.

personally i dont like this guy.. giving me to much trouble.. xpcally the wing..

i wonder why should they give this guy wing for flying .. why dont they just give him macam jet boost kah? sanang direct...

ok tonight im going to update at least 3 sets of my new gundam that i have finish assemble two days ago..here is the first one..

ok this time i did the assembling of this BB gundam at my wife's room.. in rimba... as u can see from the picture i dont have any proper place to do the work.. hehe atas katil saja ..

just upgrade my tool kit.. toolbox baru kali ah.. then plenty of paint brush.. hehe my wife punya brush for nail painting...bought it from ebay fro B$8.00 12 brushes..

nah some photo with the finish product..i manage to finish it up less then 2 hours..

hi everyone... sorry for being late for posting & update my blog..ok i don't want to waste more time.. here the stage two of my recent project.. nothing much i have done.. almost finish with bodywork. adding on the custom wide fender & lower kits..

enjoy the picture...will update on stage 3 but not to soon ah..i have alot of thing to do at this moment.. so stay tune..

i have been waiting for this shipment a week ago..

2 sets of Aoshima model .. will working on it once i finish with my GTR

Voltron- one of my favorite

and again my favorite collection eva.. revoltech

ok for my next car assembling project i pick the Nissan GTR R35 which i bought from Guan Hock Lee for B$ 79.90

ok lets check what do we have here.. everything complete

lets try the stock rim given.. hehe im not going to do on standard fixing

ya im going to replace the stock rim with 24" 5 spoke deep rim

nah.. exclusive photo for you...will do some bodywork later..

by now i already finish with stage 2.. so stay tune i will update shortly..

i guess this is most active month for me.. this feeling just coming back to me after it gone for about 4 years ago.. im so in love with fixing and assembling again.. here i just bought the Tamiya R35.. and im going to do somting wild.. somthing i use to do before .. so stay tune

for the first time working on the BB gundam.. i feel so addicted.. nah..after been hunting like crazy.. yesterday i manage to get 4 set of BB gundam and by now i have finish 2 of them.. i will post it later..