I managed to finish the model in 2 hours time complete with the lining details. Hehe.. i used sharp pencil to do the lining especially on the tiny and complicated areas. Thanks to Cik Vicky for sharing her ideas on how to do the detailing.

OMG! See, i almost forgot to do the lining detail at the back of his head... will do it later..ngalih ku sudah ni...

I'm sure u guys who love and appreciate Gundam anime are familiar with this photo. It is 1:1 scale Gundam model project in Tokyo, Japan. I was inspired by this for the first time i seen this picture in which I'm imagine building the miniature of this model by my own one day when the time has come.

I know I can do it!! *bangga* =P Today, the imagination has come true. I made the 1/144 scale gundam model by myself without any help. But it's not exactly the same as on the image. I did some changes and modification on it.. Have a deep and closer look.

The base originally should be blue but I changed with black in which it look more better and the reason is also it's one of my favourite colour.

Tomorrow, I'm probably gonna make glass case to cover and protect the figure in order to prevent the dust. And for sure, printing the background and paste on the back face of the case. Maybe I gonna have a try on selling this gundam on eBay. haha.. Maybe I should try it~
Moving to the next step..
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