Mission complete.. ya finally i manage to finish up the Pontiac 68 firebird within two days.. firstly i'm planning to paint the body with solid white color.. but then after doing some research on the web.. i change the plan.. hehe..so i pick this color

the frontal view ( front Bumper) with additional kits.. can u spot the difference

Rear View ..nothing much change... just the tail light.. i make it all black.. ganas kali ah

side view.. and that is my custom exhaust.. will do some changes on the pipe soon.. damn i love the rim so much..

rear side view

frontal side view

if u notice.. i did made this additional front lips for the bumper.

i use dark blue paint.. as the interior color coz i guess this it the best color that fit for an American cars

Mission Completed at 8.45pm
location: My House lah (living room) aka My Workshop
great work
love the detail
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