hello good evening everyone.. today, the post will be the 7" size Edward & Bella from the Twilight blockbuster movie, twilight.. The best couple in movie last year. This collection were released from their first movie, twilight. Next, NEW MOON which going to be show world premiere by november this year.
ok here the packaging for this set. The box looks more bigger from the first wave..

Front view of the figurine which shown Edward and Bella together.

Edward is a vampire who lives with a coven of like-minded vampires known as the Cullen family, who feed on animals rather than humans. At first, Edward feels a mutual hatred toward Jacob Black because of his love for Bella, but in Breaking Dawn he comes to see Jacob as a brother and friend. Like some vampires, Edward has a supernatural ability, mind reading; it allows him to read anyone's thoughts within a few miles radius. Bella is immune to his power as a human, but learns how to lower this "shield" after her transformation to a vampire.

She's seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen.

you can see the first series of Edward on my previous post here

WHERE TO BUY: Chong Hock COST PRICE: B$69.90 Each
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