Today..I was surprised with a gift from a friend of mine.. well he is a friend of my wife actually.. Since I'm kind of a very handsome and nice to everyone, he manage to buy this toys when he was in uk for studying.. Thanks for the gift man! I really appreciate it. Hehe.. Ok now lets do the review..

This is Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts Play Arts Vol. 2 which includes three of the main characters Cloud, Sephiroth and Halloween Town Sora. Shown at the back of the boxes.

ok he is Sephiroth..he's comes with extra hand so that he can hold the sword given which also comes with the figure.

One things I noticed with Sephiroth, besides the awesome sculpting of his clothing he also have the great detail on the wing which completely looks cool & rocks

Frontal & Back view totally Amazing & Painted with very highly detail. cool...

ok here is my most favorite part of the Sephiroth figure, His wing are painted with the great detail. The shading..articulation .. totally amazing..

from my review Sephiroth size is almost a giant and measures in at almost 9 inches tall! tambah 3" bulih jadi hot toys ni hehe.

WHERE TO BUY: A gift from a friend COST PRICE: ???
Note: if u guys interested to get one of this characters.. You absolutely can get it either from CH or VV Kimas.. which selling around B$49.90 - B$55.90 depends on the characters. ok gudluck
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