Selamat Malam.. hello everyone. Tonight, I'm not going to post any of my Gundam collection. Enough with the gundam! Now,let's get some break for awhile. I need to post the others jua. Menyamal karang yg lain tu..Ok, here my new revoltech collection which i just bought it on the same day with my Medicom Dragon ball. Hope you enjoy. ok...

Do you guys know who she is? Her name is Yotsuba. Yotsuba is depicted as an energetic five year old girl with a child's wonder towards even the most unremarkable of new discoveries. She is shown finding enjoyment in nearly everything.

Here are some part of the packaging covered with alot of info writen in japanese. Can anyone explain what is it? hehe..

Now, lets take her out of the box

As usual, all revoltech given with extra face with diffrence expression look.

It is also included with optional hand & water gun.. so cute, wasn't it?!

Special round base with YOTSUBA text printed on top of the base. Normally, the base are painted in black colour, but this one a special.

I'm so lazy to open & take her out..since she's tide nicely together with the plastic case. I just keep her just like this.

I'll wait until she's grown up. Ani baru umur 5 tahun.. apa ada...

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