This is my Terminator Salvation Movie Masterpiece collection,Bought it same day with My John Connor few weeks ago..OK jangan buang masa.. Lets do the review..

Same as the JOHN CONNOR'S packaging..the box are made from dark grey Styrofoam trays which have a unique embossed design.macam ala-ala Industrial look lah... Inda cukup atu the Styofoam again covered with grapic of the product images which printed on a cardboard sleeve and slides over the Styrofoam.

anilah grapic of the product images yang kumaksudkan..

This collectible figure stands 30 cm tall with over 36 points of articulation. The figure comes along with alot of accessories, Weapons and 2 sets of interchangeable posing hands and one Marcus's sculpt head.

ok.. upacara pacah dara...

as u can see here.. the 2 sets of interchangeable posing hands & shootgun

lets take him out...

Marcus Wright's with battle-damaged head,as always, amazing details from Hottoys,

Hottoya has done incredible job in producing the head sculpt of the actor on both head. The endoskeleton head details on Marcus' battle-damaged head are truly amazing..Knapa selalunya Sebalah muka saja yang rusak...Cubatah Idungnya kah yang sumpak.. gerenti laku lagi hehe

Marcus' left arm is composed of an endoskeletal arm, covered with a rubberized material as his
skin. Barikan mengigit...

wearing his black leather jacket with rank on left sleeve and interesting yellow stripes at the cuffs

This figure has done a lot of paint details & effect. Simply the high-quality paint work on this figure is a true work of art. Iatah misti tedapat Airbrush ni...practice make perfect

Stand given ..Stay Tune for part two review.. tunah c marcus satu atu lagi ah..

I think you paid an expensive price for MARCUS as this set is very cheap in Singapore..
how much in singapore? in KL its almost MYR 600!
Less than S$230 :)
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