ok guys.. Here the review of my MG goku.. just finish this kit few hours ago.. wont take long to finish it up.. walaupun MG... to simple for hansom guy like me..
now look at the packaging..

compare with MG gundam's box.. basar dikit lah..

now let see inside the box.. I can't wait to start it.

not to complicated if compare with any Gundam's Master Grade.. which come with scelaton..

Do you know which part of gundam is this? Try to guess it!

2 hours later..

this is the best part when every single part is done and ready to snap on to the position. Are you ready to rumble?!

ya finally I'm done .. total dimension 22cm hight

testing with the articulation ability.. very flexibility.. I can say more flexible then figma & revoltech.

nice decal..

now lets compare with my 1/6 RAH SON GOKU.. tekajut baruk ia

WHERE TO BUY: HLJ (Online Order) COST PRICE: B$82.00 + shipment
Cool fig! What scale is this Goku? 10"?
Rebel. the scale 1/8.. around 10" high
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