Hi. Hello everyone! It’s been awhile that I’m away from this blog.
When u look at the date of my last post below, it was on October 21st, 2009. which has been more then 2 months that I leave my blog without any updates or news & reply of any of your comments & messages. I knew that many people are searching for me waiting to updates and replying their messages. Even some Tauke2 kadai pun did sending me text to my HP asking me to drop by to their shop informing their new arrival stock.
In 2 months, i tried to made myself into a difference person. I had come across with another hobbies which i did enjoy so much. I don’t want to waste more of ur time Here are some of the reasons due to my action &decision:-
1. I need my brain and eyes to have a better rest (Really2 need to rest down) I got some eyestrain due to long term on seeing the computer.
(have u ever heard Indonesian song by Saykoji - Online - try to listen on the lyrics. That’s how my life everyday =P)
2. To spend more times on my social activities - with rules no blogging & Internet. I need to spend more time with my family too.
(I used to spend most of my time in front computer everyday -13 hours per day + keraja ni ah..)
3. Unhappy with some seller who keep on markup their toy price. So unacceptable!
I’m now more prefer buying toys from through online.(ebay) Not only toys, any other goods pun bali through online jua.
4. Required more budget on upgrading my car for some minor modification.
(As you know, I’m one of car freak (a.k.a gila keta) - Honestly, i can’t have my car without any modification pasang perfume pun kira modified jua tu =P)
5. Spending money on my DSLR camera - getting few lens & camera accessories
(I’m not serious enough on this hobby. I had tried some of my photography skills with a group of my friends. For more info, please visit our blog and feel free to drop any of your comments. We really appreciate any comments and advise
that you’ll give us. www.popzflash.blogspot.com
With all the reason that i have concluded, I hope you guys can understand my absence during this few months. Hopefully, with my new schedule, i can still updating this blog without any interference. Born to be a collector, born to be a hunter and yang pentingnya I’m born to be the hansom man among all the blogger yang membaca my post ani. haha.. Jangan jealoous!
Ok guys I see u around.
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