FAKE...FAKE...FAKE... Yup this is the fake OP helmet which made by china..The packaging, size and design are 98% similar to the original helmet which are originally made by Hasbro & Takara.

this thing are also equipped with the voice changer technology that activated with 3 AA battery.
Autobots, roll out!

the back packaging include with the manual instruction and information of the helmet features. Sound ala... lampu ala.. manyak bagui ini balang ma...

out of the box .. have a closer look

look at the shine.. marvelous right... ngalih ku polish ni... hhehe

Now, lets try put on the helmet.. Jojo...gerenti makin hansom ku posing ani hehe

Guess what. I found out this guy inside the OP helmet box.. free give lah ni hehe.. The one and only hero in the Gotham City, Batman.

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