This is another figurine that i won by bidding from ebay.. 12" figurine from Medicom..

Here are the price that i bought from. USD$38.00 including shipment.. Ok, let see what do they include in the box.

Jack Baure from one of the famous drama series The 24 . Jack Baure is the main character in 24. Actor Kiefer Sutherland portrays Jack Bauer in the television show He is the protagonist of the American television series 24, in which he has trained and worked in various capacities as a government agent.

It's the front face of the box. Features changeable hand poses, gun and cell phone accessory, exacting fabric details, and an incredible likeness!

As you can see, it's one of the limited edition action figure. I just bought it with cheaper price. Unexpected! I felt it's really2 worth to have this kind of collection.

Are you ready to rumble?! Check this out! Take a closer look.

His face are 70% accurate to its original character. I'm planning to get the Enterbay Jack baure' head only and replace it. Really need to surf down through the eBa

ok guys, now you can enjoy the rest of the pictures. Enjoy sight-seeing! hehe..

Don't mess up with me. I"m the he best agent Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU)
He,involves helping prevent major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilian lives and government administrations.

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