As I Promise, today I'm going to post the second characters of the queens blade from the revoltech series. 02

Airi - A scythe-wielding ghost maid, Airi was given human form by the evil Swamp Witch in her quest for domination. Airi serves every whim of her mistress quite willingly. Used primarily for assassinations, she can literally suck the vitality of her enemies simply by touching them. She is voiced by Kanae Ito in the anime.

It's the back face of the box. and below are some instruction written in Japanese. I guess it something to do with the articulation ability.

that is weird!!.. she was tied with this.. first time in my revltech collection.

since she was tide up properly, I'm not going to take her out of the box.. that is against my rules..

she is more cute then Leina.. love her green eyes...

sorry..due to the limitation of shooting.. I only manage to take some photo.. please enjoy while u can.

amazing.. she's given with extra hand and leg..

and coin to.. by now I have collect more then 4 sets of this coin..kan bali Ice Cream ku...
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