hello everyone sorry fro lack of updates, being so lazy this month..I wonder why? OK now lets start with the business back.

She's Leina, One of the main characters of the Queens Blade series, Queen's Blade is a series of visual combat books published by Hobby Japan, based on the licensed works from Lost Worlds. First published in 2005, it features only female characters.

It's the back face of the box. and below are some instruction written in Japanese. I guess it something to do with the articulation ability.

for the new Revoltech series, they are now coming with extra faces and more accessories. and the good thing is, we oso can take off the shirt for some of this characters.

now lets try with the articulation ability.. sorry no sexy and naked photo here..

Leina/Reina - A nomad warrior who is Elina's older sister. She is to appear in the upcoming Spiral Chaos game.
note-Elina The daughter of Count Vance, and younger sister of Reina, a prominent Queen's Blade competitor. She was trained from a young age in all manner of martial arts, from stealth to strict military discipline, and acts as both bodyguard, spy, and assassin for her father. Unlike Leina, Elina's personality is vicious.

i don't know what to call with this sword.. for sure it not katana.. below Leina posing with the accessories given.

note-Airi another characters from Queens Blade series will be comming for my next post, so stay tune with this channel for the review.
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